So here it is, The Potty List,:
1. Make a mud pie
2. Bake a cake (and taste the mix to make sure it's a good one, of course)
3. Finger paint
4. Sing loudly in public
5. Climb a big hill
6. Pick fruit
7. Dance with no inhibitions
8. Make sandcastles on the beach (or a sand boat)
9. Be chased by a monster
10. Jump in a puddle
11. Belly-flop
12. Feed the ducks13. Blow bubbles
14. Have a teddy bear's picnic/tea party
15. Choose a favourite book
16. Ride on the top of a double-decker bus
17. Visit a museum
17. Visit a museum
18. Ride on a train
19. Feed an animal
20. Grow cress in the shape of their name
21. Wear pants on their head22. Ride the tea cups at the fairground
23. Fly a paper aeroplane
24. Poo in the bath (!)
25. Stay the night away from home
26. Ride on Daddy's shoulders
27. Scribble somewhere they shouldn't
28. Clean their own teeth
29. Answer the phone
30. Master a party piece
31. Have a first love
32. Buy something in a shop
33. Set their sights on a future career...
34. Tell a fib (the more OTT, the better!)
35. Make up an inappropriate nickname for somebody
36. Break something valuable